Setting Up Instagram feed
Setting your own feed is easier than setting up somebody elses, but still nothing is impossible. Using Instapics you can quickly generate your own user id and access token. Once you have that you can use instafeed.js script to quickly load your own feed. Need somebody else's feed. You can use the PHP script below to extract somebody's user id with their username. Check it out:
<? function getInstaID($username){ $username = strtolower($username); $token = 'your-access-token-generated-above'; $url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?q=".$username."&access_token=".$token; $get = scraper($url); $json = json_decode($get); foreach($json->data as $user){ if($user->username == $username){ return $user->id; } } return '00000000'; } $instagram_id = getInstaID('laurenconrad'); ?>
The above code would assign the value of "00000000" to $instagram_id. Now it's just javascript to load the feed into a container with "instafeed" id:
var feed = new Instafeed({ get: 'user', userId: <=$instagram_id;>, clientId: your-client-id-generated-above, accessToken: 'your-access-token-generated-above', limit:60, resolution:'standard_resolution', links:false, }); feed.run();
It's that simple
Wanna give it a shot? Enter your instagram username below: (examples: barackobama, sleepinthegardn, zozeebo)